A Message from the CEO

All white puzzle pieces with a missing piece - the puzzle is being put together on a pink table so the missing piece is showing up as pink. Demonstrating the multi-facetted approach taken by the woman-owned business.

An Integrated Approach

Blue Strike’s core focus is to ignite sustainability across all industries, using our unique skill sets to thread together effective and impactful programs.  We convene partners and engage communities to change policy, improve education and to transition to a better climate future.

Our ability to have the most direct impact is through our work with sustainable events and venues, helping our clients increase their social footprint while decreasing their environmental footprints. Events allow us to stay public- facing, creating programs that resonate with the broad civic community and serve as a portal for integrating climate, energy and resilience into fan engagement. Events enable our programs to come alive and the partnerships and resources we bring to those events ensure programs remain sustainable into the future. 

 Whether a client aims to reduce its carbon footprint, conserve water, become more energy efficient, or green the supply chain, we analyze potential actions and create a set of financial and performance metrics that clients can use as a roadmap for implementation.  With this informed comparison, clients can make the right decisions for optimized business value.  You can't improve what you don't measure. 

This planning process is the same regardless of whether we are working with an event or with a client on climate and energy. Ideally, we would work regionally with events and the cities at the same time.  This allows us to build capacity and to share resources across the region.

Above (and included in) all of these efforts is stakeholder engagement and community resilience. Engaging with stakeholders can take the form of assembling Green Teams, facilitating focus groups and building internal and external communication plans. It’s not only about getting people to participate, it’s finding out who is not participating and why. Communities are stronger and healthier when they work together. This resilience is the cornerstone of our work. 


Universities can finance climate