Celebrating Sweet 16

What started as a zero waste program for the local school district has launched into a global company focused on climate innovation – in just 16 years.

How did a small, scrappy company in Monterey, CA take hold of the climate industry --- now with roughly 130 annual clients around the globe. To answer that question, I only need to look at the team we have built and the passion that they bring. As CEO, I am surrounded by a team that understands hard work, is comfortable managing extremely technical projects and, at the end of the day, does not shy away from the boots-on-the-ground approach that is needed to implement these projects.

As a former event promoter in the late 90’s, I saw firsthand how the power of events could influence people and, ultimately, create environmental and social change. I built the company by helping events find resources and solutions to reduce environmental impacts and increase capacity through local partnerships. Within 5 years, we started expanding our focus to include the cities and counties where these events were taking place.

It took me a year and a half to make my first dollar. Another year to hire our first intern. What’s happened since has been a great journey. As Blue Strike turns 16, I want to say thank you to this awesome team! I am looking forward to the future.


Revitalizing Glenwood Springs: A Greener Vision Unveiled


Emission Targets